Sitemap - 2022 - CleanTechies

Endings, Endineering, Circular Economy, & the Customer Experience w/ Joe Macleod

#75 Removing the Barriers of Going Green for Building Owners w/ Al Subbloie

Utilizing Carbon in Everyday Products w/ Aaron Fitzgerald of Mars Materials

COP27 Feedback, IRA Insights, & Investing in the Era of Climate Change w/ Bruce Usher (Columbia Prof.)

Combating Fast Fashion using Sustainable Cotton with Graham Stewart from Fiber52

Demystifying Alternative-Protein and How its Made with Sharyn Murray from Good Food Institute (GFI)

Making Wave Energy Viable and Attractive with Jan from NoviOcean

Charging Ahead - How Mary Barra is Brining GM into the Future with author David Welch.

How Microfinance Helps Unbanked & The Climate Vulnerable w/ Celyn & Kristen (ShareChange)

Is Propane The Perfect Energy Transition Fuel? With Tucker Perkins

Decarbonizing Residential Energy Usage & Saving Homeowners Money with Greg from Elevation

Decentralizing Agriculture & Societal Resilience with Eddy from Eden Green Technologies

Reducing Plastic Usage En Masse & Improving Recycling with Bahruz from BERKM Inc

Carbon Markets and How they Work with Matt Smith from Finite Carbon

#62 - Solving Fresh Food Inventory Management with Johannes from Afresh

#61 - Mineral Availability, Sustainable Mining, & ClimateTech Supply Chain Challenges w/ Nick Rohleder

#60 - Breakthrough Energy's Bet on Green Steel w/ Adam Rauwerdink (Boston Metal)

#59 - Going Off the Grid with Ben Parvey of OhmGrid

#58 - The Future of Clean Energy, Materials/Mfg, & the Circular Economy with Author, Peter Leyden

#57 - PropTech, Carbon Capture, and Soap with Jaeson Cardiff (CleanO2)

#56 - Solving Energy Demand Spikes of Increased Electrification with Rekha Sharma of Solv4X

Helping Utilities Utilize Wasted Data with Sean Murphy of PingThings

#54 - Reducing the Cost of GreenHydrogen with Mariam Awara of Pulsenics

#53 - Incubating Early Stage CleanTech Companies - Jason Ethier of Greentown Labs

Solving Heat Loss on a City Scale with James Henry of MyHEAT

Carbon Offsets; an Investment not an Expense with Demian Klenk

Climate-Conscious Investing with James Regulinski

#49 - Climate Conscious Real Estate with Michael Beckerman of CRETECH

#48 - Real Estate and ESG with Fulya Kocak Gin (Nareit)

The Current and Future State of the ESG Software Space w/ Sondra Tosky

#46 - Intro to and Philosophy of ESG, Ethical Profit, Harmony Driven Career Paths

#45 - IoT's Role in Helping Solve Climate Change (WattIQ)

#44 - The Lowest Cost Energy: Concentrated Solar Power

#43 - A Deep Dive Into the Grid, the Intermittency Problem, & Where do We go from Here

#42 - What is a Rolling Syndicate, Role of Gov in Climate, Role of Blockchain in ClimateTech

Charging Software, The Future of EV Charging, Education Bubble? w/ Zak Lefevre (ChargeLab)

#40 - Residential Energy Usage and Grid Flexibility w/ Aaron Berndt (Google Nest)

#39 - Helping Commercial Kitchens Reduce Food Waste and Save Money w/ David Jackson (Winnow)

#38 - PV Module Supply Chain Issues, Global Trade, Energy Independence

#37 - Tracking Carbon Emissions Data and the Importance of Transparency w/ Tara Gupta (Map Collective)

#36 - Using DER Data to Help Utilities Improve the Grid

#35 - Hydrogen Fuel Tanks with David Jaramillo at VERNE

#34 - Fuel Cells, Understanding Hydrogen, 10 Years Out?

#33 - eMobility and batteries that last way longer when paired with AI

#32 - On Deck | Upskilling the workforce to support the Climate Tech Revolution

#31 - Endera | Decarbonizing Light Commercial Vehicles

Solid-State Tech, Reduced Footprint, Faster Installation w/ JoshKeister (Resilient Power)

#29 - Gridware | Improving Grid/Transmission Infrastructure with IoT

#28 - ElectricFish | EV Charging, Energy Storage, Underserved Communities - Part 2

#27 - ElectricFish | EV Charging, Energy Storage, Underserved Communities - Part 1